Take the #ResolveToClick pledge below and make your New Year’s resolution count. The first 750 to pledge will receive a FREE Resolve to Click car visor sunglasses clip!
Every year, we make resolutions to start the year with purpose and accomplishment. Sticking to resolutions can be tough, so for 2025, we’ve got an easy one: Resolve To Click. Wear your seatbelt every time and encourage your loved ones to do the same.
In Virginia, only 73% of residents wear their seatbelts. That means one in four car occupants are choosing to skip this simple life-saving measure. Let’s change that, together.
This year, make sure you and everyone in your vehicle buckle up! Together, we can make our roads safer with one simple action – click your seatbelt, save your life.
Buckle up EVERY time. Make wearing your seatbelt and making sure everyone else in the vehicle is buckled a personal habit for every trip, every time.
Spread the word. Share this campaign on social media using the hashtag #ResolveToClick and tag your friends and loved ones.
Lead by example. Be a role model. Consistently buckle up and remind others to do the same.
Join Rockingham Insurance and Drive Smart Virginia in our mission to make seatbelt use second nature for everyone. Make the pledge today, and let’s make 2025 a safer year for all.
Follow the movement on our social channels! Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
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