Did you know 21% of auto crashes each year occur as a result of inclement weather? That’s over one million accidents due to Mother Nature’s change of plans alone.
Weather can change at a moment’s notice. One minute it could be sunny and calm, and the next minute you’re facing howling winds and driving rain. We’ve all seen this change in scenery while driving. But even though the weather may be unpredictable, there are some things under our control. Here are five tips that will keep you and your family safe from whatever Mother Nature throws your way:
- The first tip is also the simplest: avoid driving altogether. If it looks like bad weather is heading into your driving area, plan on driving after it passes or adjust your route.
2. Driving in heavy rain:
- Slow down and leave plenty of space between you and the car in front of you.
- Keep your headlights on, but don’t turn on your high beams.
- If water has accumulated on the road, stop and turn around.
- Keep your windshields and windows clean and check your wiper blades for wear.
3. Driving in fog:
- Turn on your low beam or fog lights.
- Use your windshield wipers and defroster on a low setting to keep your windshield clear and improve your view.
- If the fog is too dense, safely pull over to the side of the road, turn on your hazard lights, and wait for the visibility to improve.
4. Driving in a tornado:
- Avoid bridges and tunnels.
- Don’t try to outrun a tornado. A tornado may appear to be moving slowly, but its strength and scope can’t be determined by how it appears to you in an automobile.
- If shelter isn’t available, stay in your car and keep your head below the windows, covering it with your hands, a blanket or a coat.
5. Driving in hail:
- Safely pull over to the side of the road and stay in your car until the hail stops.
- If you can’t find cover, keep your car angled so the hail impacts the front of your car and avoids your side windows and back glass.
- Lie down if you can and cover yourself with a blanket or coat to protect yourself from possible debris.
When inclement weather strikes, it’s good to know you’re covered with the personalized auto insurance you need. Your local Rockingham Insurance agent can help you customize your policy with additional features like accident forgiveness or roadside assistance so your vehicle is protected against whatever nature throws at it. Contact us today for a forecast that includes smooth sailing.